Inventors are always looking for ways to improve the simple things. Cleaning is a task that most people hate. It would seem that the cleaning market has hundreds of products to choose from, but there are still ways to make it easier and more efficient. If you have tried using microfibres to clean, you will know how technology can really make your life easier. Did you know microfibre cloths are hygienic and can make things look cleaner in less time?

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Why not use soap and water? Water can clean most things by itself, because it has two ends with very different molecules. Because they’re unbalanced electrically, they adhere to dirt and other things like magnets, causing them to break apart. Water is often referred to as a universal liquid because it dissolves so many things. When water is not enough, you can use a detergent.

However, some people do not like them for various reasons. Some detergents are expensive and can cause allergic reactions in those with sensitive skin. Some worry that the chemicals in our homes will leak into water systems when we flush them away. Here’s where microfibre cloths can be used. These cloths are more powerful and compact. A normal cleaning cloth is made from fibres of nylon or synthetic materials like cotton. A microfibre cleaning cloth is much more dense and has smaller fibres. When you need Cleaning companies Belfast, visit

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Even the smallest dirt particles are attracted by microfibres, which normal cloth fibres cannot touch. You would be able to see the forces at work if they were visible. There is only a tiny amount of force between a microfibre, and a dirt particle. However, there are millions of microfibres within a cloth. This means that the overall stickiness is amplified dramatically. This is why the cloths are so effective at picking up dust and dirt.

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